Yachtmaster Theory Workshop
This short Yachtmaster Theory Workshop provides revision of the basics of navigation theory and charts in preparation for the Yachtmaster theory course. The workshop is aimed at those preparing for the Yachtmaster Offshore or Yachtmaster coastal theory week, but is open to all.
Course runs throughout the year, but must be booked in advance as places are limited.
Yachtmaster / Coastal Skipper Theory Course
This six-day Yachtmaster/Coastal Skipper Course is advanced training for more experienced skippers wanting to learn how to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages. The course starts with a revision of the basics in navigation theory and quickly moves on to advanced navigation, meteorology, collision avoidance, safety at sea and passage planning.
This course provides theory knowledge to the standard required for the Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams.
Yachtmaster Offshore Sail Exam Preparation
The RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Certificate of Competence is a highly regarded worldwide qualification proving the experience and competence of a skipper. Sufficient experience and sea time form the eligibility criteria for taking the Yachtmaster™ exam. The Yachtmaster offshore sail exam preparation week provides five days practical boat handling and revision of the theory with all aspects of the examination organized.
Yachtmaster Offshore Motor examination preparation
The RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore Certificate of Competence is a highly regarded worldwide qualification proving the experience and competence of a skipper. Sufficient experience and sea time form the eligibility criteria for taking the Yachtmaster™ exam. The Yachtmaster offshore motor exam preparation week provides five days practical boat handling and revision of the theory with all aspects of the examination organized.
Yachtmaster Sail to Motor Conversion Course
Holders of the Yachtmaster™ Coastal or Yachtmaster™ Offshore sail Certificate of Competence may take a practical conversion exam to obtain the equivalent power certificate of competence. Candidates may also convert from power to sail.
The same rules apply whether you are converting from sail to power, or from power to sail, but the practical exam for converting from power to sail may take slightly longer.
Yachtmaster Ocean Theory Course
This advanced course is for those aspiring to blue water cruising and is ideal for holders of the Yachtmaster Offshore certificate who are preparing for their first ocean passage. This course involves astro-navigation, ocean passage making, worldwide meteorology and electronic navigation aids – it also includes time learning the practical application of a sextant.
Note: If you are working towards your Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence, completion of this shore-based course exempts you from the written exam.