Deep Blue Sea Training - Terms & Conditions of Business
Updated 16 May 2018.
1. Booking Deposit
Confirmation of booking will be provided upon receipt of a completed booking form and receipt of a 50% non-refundable deposit. The booking deposit is 50% of the course fees. If a booking is made within one month of the course commencement date, the full course fees are payable upon booking. Course fees must be paid in full prior to course commencement.
2. Payment
Payment can be made in cash, by bank transfer or with a credit or debit card via Paypal. Payments made with a credit or debit card are subject to an additional 4.1% (subject to increase without prior notice) to cover Paypal charges incurred. Bank transfers must be sent in euro currency and bank charges are for the account of the student. A payment advice note will be issued upon booking. An invoice will be issued upon full payment.
3. Cancellation by the customer
If more than eight weeks’ notice of cancellation is provided, the non-refundable booking deposit may be transferred to a later course or transferred to another student. If a booking is cancelled less than eight weeks prior to the course commencement date, the deposit is non-refundable but may be applied to a future course at the discretion of the school principal and if the future course is within two months of the cancellation. If a booking is cancelled within four weeks of the course start date, and the school is unable to re-sell the place on the course, the deposit is both non-refundable and non-transferable. Course fees shall not be refunded for any reason once the course has started. Please note, we recommend you take holiday cancellation or personal travel insurance.
4. Cancellation by Deep Blue Sea Training
Any course fees you have paid, including your deposit, will be refunded in full. No liability shall be attached to Deep Blue Sea Training beyond refunding the course fee paid for the cancelled course or unused portion if the course has been started. No payments shall be made for incidental costs. As above, we recommend you take holiday cancellation or personal travel insurance.
5. Refunds
Deep Blue Sea Training shall not be responsible for any unused air tickets or unused portions of air tickets or unused services of any kind.
6. Delay or failure to arrive
If a student is likely to be delayed beyond the start time of the course, Deep Blue Sea Training must be informed as soon as possible. It is at the discretion of the school principal if the fees paid can be transferred to a future course. If a student fails to arrive, for any reason whatsoever including illness, and Deep Blue Sea Training has not been notified, the course fees will be forfeit.
7. Health policy
Please let us know if you have any special requirements when you book your course e.g. any reasonable adjustments you would like us to make under the equality act due to a disability. Also tell us if you have a medical condition we should know about that may require some special consideration. The facility exists on our online booking system for you to do this. If you do not book online, then please inform us via email, telephone or when you begin your course.
Our course information details what is involved physically in each course so that you can judge your fitness to take part. Candidates are advised to seek medical advice if they are in any doubt of their ability to participate in a course. Deep Blue Sea Training accepts no responsibility for the decision of the physical fitness of the customer to participate in a course. Students must ensure that any personal medication is brought to the course.
8. Risk disclaimer
No liability is accepted for student's personal possessions left in Deep Blue Sea Training premises; this includes on the marina and onboard vessels used by Deep Blue Sea Training. No liability is accepted for students whilst in, or on, any Deep Blue Sea Training property or property used by Deep Blue Sea Training or whilst embarking or disembarking any vessel used by Deep Blue Sea Training. All students take part in any course at their own risk. The act of signing for a training course implies that the student has understood and accepted the terms and conditions of Deep Blue Sea Training herein, including the risk disclaimer above and liability as explained in this document.
9. Weather
Your instructor/examiner will make decisions re: heavy weather training with the safety of crew and vessel as first priority. The instructor/examiner's decision is final.
10. Force Majeure
Deep Blue Sea Training shall not be liable for any expenses incurred due to Force Majeure, including Act of God, weather conditions, strikes, and acts of Government, war or any other occurrence beyond our control.
11. Provisioning
During practical training for sail and motor courses, basic provisions are provided during training hours onboard. Meals and drinks onshore are not included. During powerboat courses, access to shore will be provided or students are advised to bring a packed lunch. Lunch is not included during shore-based courses. Provisioning is not included during private courses or own boat tuition.
12. Alcohol
Deep Blue Sea Training shall not be liable for any accidents that occur whilst a student is under the influence of alcohol. The consumption of alcohol is not permitted whilst underway.
13. Smoking
Smoking is not permitted in any interior space on board any training vessel or in any building used by Deep Blue Sea Training. Please respect the school rule that no cigarette butts be thrown into the sea. Deep Blue Sea Training is located in a non-smoking building and students are requested to dispose of any cigarette butts in a responsible manner.
14. Drugs
Recreational drugs of any kind are strictly forbidden onboard any training vessel or in any property used by Deep Blue Sea Training. If found, or suspected, the customer will immediately leave the course and no monies will be refunded, nor any additional travel expenses reimbursed.
15. Training vessels
Deep Blue Sea Training uses training vessels that are well maintained, however, if breakages or mechanical failures occur we ask for your patience and understanding that this can be part of boating. Every effort will be made to ensure the vessel is repaired at the earliest opportunity. If this is not possible, an alternative vessel will be made available. Deep Blue Sea Training shall not be held responsible for any time the customer feels has been lost, whilst every attempt is made to address any problems that may occur.
16. Own boat tuition
The owner is considered to be the 'skipper' of the vessel at all times and is responsible for the vessel, the provisioning and fuel and for ensuring the vessel is fully insured, sea worthy, with all boat papers in date and safety equipment onboard to satisfy the local port authority and maritime law of the country in which the training is taking place. If any accidents occur onboard during training the claim is to be made against the insurance of the boat. Deep Blue Sea Training, and its instructors, shall not be liable for any incidents or accidents onboard. The owner should notify their insurance company that there will be a qualified instructor onboard delivering tuition but the owner remains the skipper at all times. It is also agreed that the owners insurance is fully comprehensive and covers all aspects of normal marine insurance for the area in which the skipper is expected to sail. Upon booking, the school will request copies of the vessel's insurance papers and vessel registration documents. The client will be asked to sign a disclaimer before the training can commence.
17. Student negligence
If irresponsible or negligent behaviour of a student leads to damage or loss of any item of school or boat property, the student is responsible for replacement or repair. Students are requested to act with a duty of care and respect for school property and the training vessel. Damages and breakages, howsoever caused, must immediately be notified to the skipper/instructor or principal.
18. Duties onboard
All students are expected to participate in cleaning the vessel and ensuring the vessel is kept clean and tidy at all times. At the end of a course/exam, all students are expected to clean the vessel thoroughly, remove any rubbish, refill the water tanks, secure the yacht, attach shore power, turn off gas supply and leave in a good state.
19. Complaints
Notice of any complaint should be made to your instructor/examiner at the time of the complaint arising. If the complaint cannot be resolved onboard, then the complaint should be made in writing to the principal of Deep Blue Sea Training and will be dealt with as a matter of importance.
20. Instructor/examiner's decision
The instructor/examiner's decision is final. All students will accept all orders and decisions given by the instructor/examiner whilst onboard or onshore during any training provided by Deep Blue Sea Training. The instructor/examiner’s authority is total, day and night, in accordance with Maritime Law. If for any reason a student does not accept an order from the instructor/examiner, or a designated substitute, the student shall be considered to be in breach of the terms and conditions of Deep Blue Sea Training. If the student is placed ashore at the nearest port, no liability whatsoever shall attach itself to Deep Blue Sea Training and neither shall the student have any redress for any expenses, nor any redress against the instructor/examiner as a result of any action or decision by the instructor/examiner.
21. International Certificate of Competence
The International Certificate of Competence (ICC) is available to British subjects, bona fide British residents or persons born outside the UNECE. Deep Blue Sea Training can provide full eligibility details on request.
22. Mooring fees
Mooring fees away from the vessel's home berth are a shared responsibility of the crew and are to be paid locally. Your instructor will provide a suggested plan of harbours and inform the crew of expected costs. Mooring fees at base are included.
23. Personal insurance
It is strongly advised for students to obtain their own insurance for sickness, illness, loss of course fees, loss of personal effects, breakages or damages to the boat, cancellation or curtailment, travel disruption or delay, accident onboard or any other reason the student considers appropriate for their activity and well-being.
24. Examinations
If an examination has to be cancelled or postponed for whatever reason, the candidate may ask to be reimbursed the examination fee or to be offered a future examination date.
25. Certificates
Certificates will only be issued at the end of a course if, in the opinion of the instructor/examiner, the student has reached the standard required. The decision is final and to be accepted by all students. Many certificates are issued in the UK by an external authority; please allow time for receipt, processing and return delivery. As a general rule all certificates are returned to Deep Blue Sea Training unless the student has expressly requested otherwise. The school provides a mail/courier forwarding service and will advise the relevant cost to the student. Deep Blue Sea Training will not be held responsible for any delays in receipt, nor any loss if delivery has been requested to an address other than that of the school. Lost certificates will incur a re-issue charge to cover costs of replacement, administration and postage.
26. Accommodation onboard
If a student has been invited to use a school boat for accommodation during training with Deep Blue Sea Training, rules apply to the arrangement. The accommodation offered is based on the understanding that the vessel be kept clean, tidy and secure at all times. Gas must be turned off at the main gas supply when not in use. It is strictly forbidden to move the boat. It is not permitted for any other person to be onboard unless permission is gained in advance from the school principal. The student is required to act with duty of care towards the vessel and any school property. Full rules are available on request.
27. Personal identification
It is according to Spanish law that photographic identification is to be carried by all persons at all times.
28. Course duration
One day specialist courses (Elementary First Aid, Basic Sea Survival, Diesel Engine, Radar) start at 09:30hrs and will close by 17:30hrs. The VHF/DSC marine radio training to achieve the Short Range Certificate (SRC) is a 10-hour training program with separate assessment time. The two day Powerboat training course will start at 09:00hrs at the training base and will close before 17:30hrs each day. Shore-based navigation courses start at 09:30hrs and will close by 17:30hrs. Practical courses will start at 09:30hrs on the first day; closing times are variable during the practical training courses. The instructors will keep their crew fully informed and the times given in this section are only as a guide.
29. Insurance
Whilst the school carries full public liability insurance you should satisfy yourself that you are covered for personal injury and cancellation.
30. Under 18s
Under 18’s accepted when sailing with parent or guardian. All booking forms for under 18’s to be signed by parent or guardian, stating this fact after the signature.
31. Disputes
Any dispute should be brought to the attention of the skipper/instructor and principal at the earliest opportunity to be resolved. In the event of a dispute not being settled by mutual agreement, it is agreed that this agreement (contract) shall be governed by the laws of Spain and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Palma de Mallorca. It is further agreed that all agreements between customers, clients and students and staff of Deep Blue Sea Training shall be governed by Spanish Law, even when the dispute occurs outside Spanish territorial waters.
32. Royal Yachting Association
Deep Blue Sea Training is a recognised training centre of the Royal Yachting Association and is subject to regular inspections to ensure quality of training. If you have any issues with the training provided by Deep Blue Sea Training we ask that you first inform the school principal.