Exam duration
The practical exam will take about 8-12 hours for one candidate and 12-16 hours for two. The examiner may ask questions or set tasks on any part of the syllabus but will concentrate on those sections which are markedly different in a motor cruiser, eg boat handling, passage planning, radar. Your theory knowledge will need to be at or above Yachtmaster standard.
Pre-exam requirements
The mileage shown below must be in the type of boat that you are converting to. All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.
For Yachtmaster™ Coastal conversion exams
- Minimum of 400 miles
- 12 days living on board
- 2 days as skipper
- 12 night hours
For Yachtmaster™ Offshore conversion exams
- Minimum of 1250 miles
- 25 days living on board
- 3 days as skipper
- 3 passages over 60 miles including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper