Course topics include:
- liferafts and the equipment they contain
- survival techniques
- the design of lifejackets
- medical aspects of sea survival
- search and rescue techniques
A one-day course for anyone going to sea, providing an understanding of how to use the safety equipment on board your boat.
A genuine lifesaver.
Cruising is one of the safest leisure sporting activities, and 99.9% of those afloat will never use their liferaft. However, if you are part of the unlucky 0.1% your chances of survival will be greatly increased if you understand how to use the equipment and how to help yourself.
It is a well-proven fact that, in the event of an emergency at sea, people with training are more likely to survive.
An important part of the course is a practical session in a swimming pool. Experience first hand the problems of entering an uncooperative liferaft and assisting others while fully kitted out in wet weather gear and a lifejacket.
Deep Blue Sea Training are an established and accredited RYA training centre in Palma de Mallorca, Spain providing RYA courses for leisure and recreational sailors as well as professional seafarers.
If you currently work, or are hoping to work in the yachting industry you need appropriate training and qualifications. For sail, motor, power and personal watercraft, the Royal Yachting Association of Great Britain (RYA) has a wide range of highly respected qualifications that are internationally recognised and many of which can be commercially endorsed for those working in the maritime sector.
Office: + 34 971 902 100
Mobile: + 34 694 452 709
Calle de Sant Magi, 46
Santa Catalina
Palma de Mallorca
07013 Spain